How You Can Help

How You Can Help


We offer four ways in which you can help our children at Open Hearts and Minds, from sponsoring a child to our Double-the-Love gift scheme, there is something for everyone.


Here is how you can make the dream of an education for our children come true! 



Every penny of your donation counts, whether large or small. 

When you donate to Open Hearts and Minds, you are helping fulfil a child’s dream of an education.  We are a small organisation so we keep our overhead costs to an absolute minimum.  This means that your money goes directly to help our children at school… they are so grateful for your support!

Do something amazing… make a child’s dream come true and donate now

You can make either a single donation or, even better, a recurring monthly donation!  Here are some examples of what your money can buy.  

 A mosquito net £10 $15    Sanitary products for the older girls in   the school £5 $8
 A water filter £25 $35  Hot nutritious lunch for a whole class   every month £10 $15
 Stationery set for a class for a whole   year £50 $70  School uniforms for a whole class each   year £15 $25
 Annual school trip to a local place of   interest, such as a museum. £100 $150  A set of textbooks for a whole class £20 $30

Any amount you give will make a huge difference to the children.


For LESS THAN the price of a daily coffee.

For 66p or $1 a day you can make a child’s dream of an education come true! For only £20 OR $30 A MONTH you will provide them with not only an education with all the school materials they need, but also a hot meal every day!  PLUS: You get to see their progress and receive photos and letters written by the children!

Find out more about our programme. Sponsor a child today



The perfect gift for someone who has everything.

When you buy a gift from our Double-the-Love gift scheme, you bring joy to your loved one AND the children in Kokoth Kateng. You choose the gift and spread the smiles for miles! From a stationery set to a school desk and lunch for a class to mosquito nets and mattresses… there are gifts to suit all budgets!

Find out more about the gift that spreads smiles for miles and miles! Double-the-Love



Are you creative and social?  We need you on board! 

From hosting a coffee morning to running a marathon, we are open to you finding your unique way to raise funds for OHAM! Get in touch, and we will provide you with information, brochures etc. to make your fundraising event a success. 

Contact Sarah today to discuss your ideas and get started!

Open Hearts and Minds

26 Grantwood Road, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, UK, LE13 1SB

OHAM is registered as a non-government organisation in Kenya: No. OP.218/051/2009/092/5676.

OHAM is a 501(c)(3) public charity in the USA. Donations and contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

OHAM is recognised as a charity in the UK by HMRC for tax purposes. This means you can Gift-Aid your donations.